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Rose Oil


Rose Oil of India is also known as Ruh Gulab which is obtained by conventional hydro distillation of Rosa Damascena flower. The Ruh Gulab forms a powerful constituent though used less in quantity of a priced perfumery composition which in its final shape has multi disciplinary usage. The Rose Oil imparts characteristic flowery top note to perfumes. The extracted absolute adds lasting tonalities and increases fixation of odours.

Kewra Oil – Pandanus Odoratissimus


The hydro distilled Kewra essential oil (Pandanus odoratissimus) is also called “Ruh Kewra”.
The Kewra flower grows on a small tree or shrub which is both cultivated and grows wild in the coastal belt of Orissa and the most famous being the Ganjam district for its Kewra.

Olfactory – Sweet, soothing, honeylike odour.

Oriental Thuja – ‘Morpankhi’, Platycladus orientalis


Thuja is a general term for trees of the genus Thuja, which belongs to the Cupressaceae or cypress family. This oil is used in pharmaceutical products because of its therapeutic properties. Apart from this, it also finds usage in toiletries, cosmetics, soaps and detergents perfume due to aromatic properties. Crushed Thuja leaves emit a pleasant smell which is somewhat like that of crushed Eucalyptus leaves, but sweeter. This smell comes from some of the components of its essential oil, predominantly some variants of thujone. The woody part of the plant is steam distilled which is widely used for perfumery compositions.

Carrot Seed Oil – Daucus Carota


The Carrot Seed Oil is extracted from the dried seeds of the wild carrot by steam distillation. Carrot Seed is a powerful detoxifier and skin rejuvenator. Carrot seed oil is in just about every cosmetic you can think of, lotions, facial washes, facial scrubs, after-shaves, anti-aging, anti-wrinkle creams.

Carrot Seed Essential Oil has an earthy aroma which is mild, fresh and soothing.

Palmarosa Oil


Palmarosa essential oil (Cymbopogon martinii var martinii) is obtained by steam distilling this sweet-scented perennial grass found growing wild in specific pockets of India. Palmarosa belongs to the Poaceae (Gramineae) plant family and is very similar in appearance to both Lemongrass and Citronella. The essential oil obtained from the grass is rich in geraniol.

The oil of Palmarosa is used in perfumery, particularly for flavouring tobacco and for blending of cosmetic compositions owing to the lasting rose note it imparts.
It also serves as a source of a very high grade geraniol which is a valued input to make a number of aroma chemicals.

Kapur Kachri Oil – Hedichium Spicatium


Hedychium spicatum commonly known as spiked Ginger Lily, is a perennial rhizomatous herb found in the Himalayan region. The oil is derived by steam distillation of the rhizomes. It possesses a variety of therapeutic properties other than being widely used as a constituent of a fragrance composition for a personal care product.

Olfactory – Good tenacity with a woody, spicy, rooty, camphoraceous note.

Valerian Oil – Valeriana Walichii


The name Valerian is thought to have originated from the Latin word “valere” which means, “to be in health”.

Valerian is a calming and grounding essential oil with tranquilizing properties. It can help to calm and relax the nervous system and can be beneficial for anxiety, stress, depression, restlessness, insomnia and for helping people cope with emotional trauma and tension.

Valerian Oil can blend well with patchouli, oakmoss, pine, lavender, cedarwood, mandarin, petitgrain and rosemary. It is used in fragrance compositions with a musky woodland note and as a flavoring agent in tobacco and alcoholic drinks.

Olfactory – warm, woody and animalic with a musky undertone.

Spikenard Oil – Jatamansi


Jatamansi oil is obtained by steam distillation of crushed and dried rhizomes of Nardostachys Jatamansi D.C and belongs to the Valerianaceae family.

The therapeutic properties of Spikenard Oil or Jatamansi Oil are sedative, laxative, anti bacterial, anti fungal and anti inflammatory. Aromatherapy recognizes important calming qualities in it (cardio- solar- and sacre-plexes). In flavors this oil is used to augment the notes of other constituents of the composition.

Olfactory – Earthy, harsh wood like smell that is slightly musky.



Nagarmotha, also known as Cypriol essential oil, is of Indian origin and is steam distilled from the roots (rhizomes) of the Cyperus Scariosus plant that grows wild in India
Off late the demand for this oil has increased manifolds by European fragrance houses owing to its refreshing fragrance, multidimensional properties and its character to easily blend with a number of essential oils and other aroma chemicals which makes it an important constituent for a perfumer’s composition.

Olfactory – Woody, dry, earthy, offering a leathery, slightly smoky and animal note.